Friday, 22nd March was the fifth day of the 2024 Vacation Bible School.
The sessions started at 6 pm with opening prayer followed by common sessions, singing sessions, senior and junior classes. The theme for the day was "Divine Strength", for which the children and teachers dressed in Green.
The common sessions were led by Mr. Jacob Elias, the VBS Director. The children were initially taught a Powerful Practical Tip for Christian living (PPT-CL) about "Calvary look". Once you are born again, you should get up and get nourishment from the word of God to grow. The devil is waiting to attack the child of God, by challenging his faith in God. When temptation comes, we have to picturise that we are holding the hammer ready to nail the hand of Christ to crucify Him again.
He also taught the story of the Israelites who forgot God after they were delivered from Egypt. The Israelites sinned against God and were given into the hands of the Midianites for seven years (Judges 6:1). The Israelites cried out to the Lord in their affliction. God chose Gideon (who considered himself unworthy claiming his clan is the weakest in Manasseh and himself the least in his family) to defeat the Midianites. Inspite of who Midian was, he was filled with Divine strength to accomplish the task God assigned him to do. The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” (Judges 6:14) . Midian was subdued before the Israelites and did not raise its head again. In Christian life, we have to be humble and should be very careful with our thoughts and words, not to sin. Enemies are always watching to attack us. We are bought with a price and we are bound to glorify God in body and spirit which belongs to God. Calvary is the place where God got victory for you and me.
The class inspections were done by Rev. Raju Jacob and Moly Kochamma. The fifth day of the VBS ended with closing prayer.
VBS 2024 Day 5 Photo Gallery:
VBS 2024 songs video link: https://wvbs24songsu