02 December 2022

Parish Picnic

Parish Picnic

This year's Parish picnic was held at the Madhab Spring Park in Fujairah, with the mountains and sunny skies as the perfect backdrop.

The buses left from  the Holy Trinity Church, Dubai at 7.30 am, halting at our Church in Fujairah for breakfast, enroute to the Madhab Spring Park for a day filled with fun and fellowship.

Breakfast, lunch & snacks were arranged with special ethnic Indian food (Kappa, Chembu Puzhukku etc.) which was one of the highlights. Various games including Tug of War, Best Couple Quiz, Super Tambola, Best Model-Husband and Musical Chair added to the cheer of the day.

Around 90 people attended the picnic, which started with prayer by our Vicar, Rev. Shaji Jaocb Thomas. Achen also entertained the group with melodious music from his Harmonica, which was a pleasant surprise. 

The event was well coordinated by the convenors Mr. Aji M. Kuruvilla and Mr. Sachin Saji Mathew, with various organisations of our Parish, working hand in hand.

Highlights of the day are available in the Photo Gallery : https://www.csidubai.com/gallery/36/church-picnic-2022

csi parish fujairah

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